Late Spring 2017 Tuesday Women's Recreational Basketball League

Welcome to the league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.


Good luck tonight, doctor said I am a no go. Wish I could play!


Keep that knee prop up Michelle, and hoping for a speedy recovery for you. Note, I stayed behind you on the higway until I got to my turn on 96th st.

Count Me In

Last week I said I probably wouldn't be able to make it but with the 9:40 start time I should be there. Thanks!

Game tonight

Hey, I was just checking to see who all is going to make the game tonight. I know there were two people who said they probably wouldn't be there. Our game is at 9:40 and we need 5!!

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