Cornhole Rules

General Rules

  1. Objective of the Game
    • The goal of cornhole is to score points by tossing bags onto a board with a hole in the center. Players aim to land their bags in the hole or on the board.
  2. Teams and Players
    • Each team consists of two players. Please note that this is not a co-ed sport.
    • If your partner is unable to attend or secure a substitute, you can play solo for that evening.

Game Format & Scoring

  1. Regular Season Match Format
    • All matches during the regular season are Best of 3 games.
    • The first two games are played to 21 points, and if the match goes to a third game, it will be played to 13 points.
    • No Bust Rule: You do not need to hit exactly 21 points to win. If you exceed 21 points, your score will still be valid, and you will continue playing until the match ends.
  2. Game Timing
    • All games must be completed within a 25-minute time period. The first game of the night will be started at the time listed, not when both teams deem fit.
    • If the third game is not finished within the 25 minutes, the League Manager will instruct you to complete one final “down and back” to determine the winner.
      • If the match is still in the second game, one “down and back” will determine the winner of the second game, and another “down and back” will determine the winner of the third match.

Gameplay Rules

  1. Turn Rotation
    • Players will alternate turns, throwing one bag at a time.
    • Each player throws four bags per round.
  2. Board Setup
    • Boards will be set up 27 feet apart.
  3. Sides and Coin Toss
    • If players cannot agree on which side to stand on, side switching will occur between Game 1 and Game 2.
    • If the series goes to Game 3, a rock-paper-scissors will determine who gets to choose their side.

Playoffs & Postseason

  1. Playoff Format
    • The playoffs will be held in a double-elimination format.
    • The Winners Bracket will follow the Best of 3 format (21, 21, 13) for all games.
    • Once a team is moved to the Losers Bracket, all games will be one game to 21 points to ensure games keep moving.
  2. Substitutes in the Playoffs
    • Substitutes are not allowed in the playoffs unless explicitly approved by CCA Staff.

Additional Rules & Notes

  1. Equipment
    • Players are encouraged to bring their own bags, but the league will provide extra bags if necessary.
  2. Disputes
    • Any disputes regarding the rules should be directed to the League Manager for clarification. Their decision is final.