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Fall 2023 Sunday Indoor Volleyball 6's League - JCC

Welcome to the league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.

Subs needed for 6:30 on 11/5

Team: Beta Blockers
we need 1-2 subs for our 6:30pm game this Sunday

Sub is Needed for 8:30 pm Game (10/22) for Rec Agents Team

I meant to mention that I'm on the Rec Agent Team.

Need a Sub for Tonight's Game

I'm so sorry. I have to miss today's game due to a deadline for school that I have to meet tonight. I'm running behind on my project so have to stay home to finish it today. I'll definitely be there next week.

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